
the 5 cancer cures I know of are:

1.) EBC-46

2.) Carrot juice

3.) Cannabis Oil

4.) Acne Antibiotic + VitC

5.) Dark Green Bittermellon (gourd)

關於以上治療。 EBC-46已經處於臨床試驗的第二階段。 它來自一個澳大利亞漿果,當注入腫瘤,皮膚癌,喉癌或乳腺癌時,它會導致癌組織在數小時內變色,幾天內就會萎縮並消失。 研究始於1年前,迄今為止,沒有一種癌症復發。 它有75%的成功率,但他們指出,這是因為他們有時使用較小的劑量。 否則,只需一次注射即可獲得100%的成功。


Regarding above cures. EBC-46 is already in the second stage of clinical trials. It comes from an Australian berry which when injected into tumours, skin cancer, throat cancer, or breast cancer, it causes the cancerous tissue to change color within hours, and within days, shrivel up and disappear. The studies started 1 year ago and to date, none of the cancers have returned. It has a 75% success rate, but they noted that that's because they sometimes used smaller doses. Otherwise, it would be 100% success, with one single injection.

I've read the clinical trials and medical research written and published by the doctors, so I know it's authentic.

    創作者 老柳 的頭像

    印度老船長 癌症自然食療

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