
How To Detox Your Body With Oil Pulling


Posted on: Tuesday, May 26th 2020 at 9:00 am

Written By: Nick Polizzi


撰寫者:Nick Polizzi

Originally published on

3500 years ago, a powerful detox practice was born in the heart of India. Vedic folk healers learned that swishing a tablespoon of oil around in your mouth not only eliminates bad breath and makes the teeth stronger, but seems to speed up the body's recovery from a number of major illnesses and also promotes longevity

This method is known as "kavala graha" by Hindu mystics, but seekers in the western world now know it as as oil-pulling.


3500年前,強大的排毒方法誕生於印度的心臟地帶。 吠陀的民間治療師了解到,在嘴裡一湯匙油不僅可以消除口臭並增強牙齒的健壯性,而且還可以加快身體從許多重大疾病中的康復速度,更可以延長壽命

這種方法被印度教徒神秘主義者稱為“ kavala graha”,但西方世界的探索者現在將其稱為“油漱法”。

In Ayurveda, one of the major schools of traditional medicine, they say that oil pulling is highly therapeutic for over 30 systemic diseases. The technique is touted as a panacea, or cure-all.

So, how does it work? What makes swishing oil so medicinal?

There are a number of studies on oil pulling. One such study from the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) states that: "Oil pulling activates salivary enzymes which absorb toxins such as chemical toxins, bacterial toxins and environmental toxins from the blood… Thus, oil pulling detoxifies and purifies the entire human body."

他們說,在阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)是一所主要的傳統醫學院,他們說,油漱法對30多種系統疾病具有高度的治療作用。 該技術被吹捧為萬能藥或萬能藥。

那麼它是怎樣工作的? 是什麼使油漱法如此具有藥用價值?

關於抽油有許多研究。 NCBI(國家生物技術信息中心)的一項此類研究指出:“油漱法會激活唾液酶,吸收唾液中的毒素,例如血液中的化學毒素,細菌毒素和環境毒素……因此,吸油可以淨化並淨化整個人體 。”

As it is swished around your mouth, the lipids (or fatty acids) in the oil naturally extract these potentially harmful substances from your teeth, gums and saliva glands.

In Ayurvedic medicine the mouth is considered to be a "mirror" for the entire body, and when something is out of balance in the oral cavity, a Vedic healer will tell you there is most likely an illness brewing elsewhere in your system as well.

*This practice has not yet been embraced by modern medicine, but millions of people around the world use oil-pulling every day and swear by it.

If you want to give it a try, below is a super simple exercise.

As with everything in the world of folk-medicine, the best way to approach a technique like oil-pulling is to try it in moderation and see if you notice any positive effects. (I know my wife Michelle and I have!)






A Simple Technique for Oil Pulling:

#1 Place a tablespoon of your oil of choice (sesame, sunflower, coconut are preferred) in your mouth.

#2 Swish in mouth, forcing through all teeth and across all areas of your gums. (Really aim to get the oil into every nook and cranny of your mouth. This is very important. Billions of microorganisms dwell in the oral cavity and the mouth is the start of digestion.)

#3 Perform this for 5-20 minutes, ideally early in the morning before breakfast daily.

#4 Spit the oil out in a garbage can, not the sink. This avoids the risk of clogging your drain!

*For faster healing and recovery, do this before every meal or 3 times per day.

Some quick clarification.

For those beginning this process, swishing for 20 minutes is daunting and nearly impossible without incident. Start off with 5 minute sessions and gradually build to 20 continuous minutes. If your jaw starts to cramp or hurt, simply stop. This isn't a competition - do what feels right for you, at your own pace!



2在嘴裡張口,迫使所有牙齒和牙齦的所有區域穿過。 (真正的目的是使油脂進入口腔的每個角落。這非常重要。數十億種微生物殘留在口腔中,口腔是消化的開始。)





On a personal note, I've come close to having oil go up my nose because I was not going to swallow it, but I could barely keep going for 20 minutes. My breathing got labored, I felt warm, and all I wanted to do was stop. But, I'm stubborn and did the full 20 minutes.

The first time is the most difficult. After that, it's like going to the gym and you develop muscles you never knew you had.

*Again, it's very important that you spit the oil out afterward (don't swallow it, as it has now pulled unwanted substances from your body)!

Our favorite oils to use for pulling:

Sesame oil

Sunflower oil

Coconut oil

就個人而言,我幾乎不能堅持20分鐘。我的呼吸變得困難,感到溫暖,而我想做的只是停下來。 但是,我很固執,還是做了整整20分鐘。

第一次是最困難的。 之後,就像去體育館一樣,您會鍛煉自己從未有過的肌肉。






To the ancients and even to us today, sesame oil is incredibly beneficial! With an impressive array of vitamins, minerals, and healthful compounds, it is proven to display anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-anxiety, and anti-plaque effects.

Rich in zinc, sesame oil is awesome for longevity and vitality. Tyrosine in sesame oil is linked to serotonin and boosting mood levels as well as relieving anxiety. Sesame oil is high in copper, known to reduce inflammation and contains chlorosesamone, an antifungal agent. It's also effective against S. mutans (strep).

You can probably tell which oil is our favorite for oil pulling (sesame!), but the other two we mention are great too. Sunflower oil has anti-plaque and beneficial gingival effects, and is effective against C. albicans (candida). Coconut oil has lauric acid which is anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and is effective against Strep, Candida and Staph. It's also an antiseptic and makes for a wonderful cut cleaner.

The effects of oil pulling are often noticeable in as little as 7-10 days. But like all things on the healing path, patience and discipline are key factors here.





If you're looking for a widely embraced natural method for detoxifying the body, whitening the teeth and keeping your mouth fresh, this is certainly something to try out!

Find out more about the therapeutic value of oil pulling on the database: Oil Pulling Research.


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    印度老船長 癌症自然食療

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