

斯科特·戈特利布(Scott Gottlieb)博士可能很快就會被迫收回他的話。負責出版一些有關冠狀病毒的最早研究的英國醫學雜誌《柳葉刀》(Lancet)上週五報導的試驗結果發現,俄羅斯Gameleya研究所研發的SARS-CoV-2疫苗 研究人員發現,這種疫苗既有效又安全,儘管科學家警告說仍需要長期研究。該疫苗在所有測試對像中均產生了抗體反應,而沒有引起嚴重的不良反應。 該結果標誌著由享譽全球的Gameleya研究所開發的疫苗的最新合法性,並表明西方某些人所表達的早期和強烈的懷疑態度可能為時過早。《柳葉刀》將結果分成了八個系列 由其官方推特帳戶發布的推文。

The Lancet Rules Russian COVID-19 Vaccine "Safe And Effective"

Trial results reported Friday by the Lancet, the British medical journal responsible for publishing some of the earliest research on the coronavirus, found that Russia’s Gameleya Institute-developed SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is both effective and safe, though scientists cautioned that long-term study is still required. The vaccine, the researchers found, produced an antibody response in all test subjects while causing no serious adverse effects. The results mark the latest stamp of legitimacy for the vaccine developed by the world-reknowned Gameleya Institute, and show how the early and intense skepticism expressed by some in the West might have been premature. The Lancet broke down the results in a series of eight tweets published by its official twitter account.







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