
Sodium Bicarbonate – Effective Cancer Medicine

  1. 義大利羅馬的醫師” Dr.Tullio Simoncini,發現。在2009 美國亞利桑那州癌症中心研究報告指出:服用蘇打水,能抑制癌細胞生長。因為癌細胞喜愛糖蜜,美國Mark Sircus 醫師發現以黑糖蜜混和蘇打粉,來欺騙癌細胞,當癌細胞吃下”有毒”的鹼性黑糖蜜,蘇打粉就扮演”木馬”開始破壞癌細胞…原理就是利用鹼性PH值來破壞癌細胞

  2. 目的是將病患身體體質調整到弱鹼性由7.2 – 7.5 調整到短暫為8.0-8.5之間,讓癌細胞不能生存。

  3. 小蘇打粉必須選擇不含鋁質的Baking soda。而不是含鋁的Baking powder。

  4. 黑糖蜜選擇有機的為主。(露天拍賣有出售)

  5. 一個療程11日…期間逐步增加份量。

  6. 第一到第四天:每天一杯200-250 CC水,添加一茶匙蘇打粉,與一茶匙黑糖蜜,飯前一小時或飯後3小時喝下。

  7. 第五天增加,改為2次。

  8. 第六、七天將蘇打粉與黑糖蜜,均加倍改成二茶匙。服用次數也加倍(等於第一日的用量四倍)

  9. 第八至第十日:蘇打粉與黑糖蜜份量,與第六、七日相同,但是飲用次數由二次增加為三次。

  10. 第十一日,恢復為份量二茶匙蘇打粉,與二茶匙黑糖蜜,泡水飲用。由三杯改為一杯。

  11. 飲用期間,每天晨間,用PH試紙,量舌下PH值,注意,若發生大的變化,要自行調整減少蘇打粉的飲用量。另外,一定要吃大量香蕉,以鉀來調和喝蘇打粉產生的過量鈉。

  12. 以上為一個療程,休息7天,繼續開始下個療程。直到痊癒。(以下為新書介紹原文)

This book is about the application of the least expensive, safest and perhaps most effective cancer medicine there is. Studies have already shown how manipulation of tumor pH with sodium bicarbonate enhances chemotherapy pointing to the appropriateness of using bicarbonate as a principle medicinal substance with the potential of curing people of their cancers.

Sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment focuses on delivering natural chemotherapy in a way that effectively kills cancer cells while dramatically reducing the brutal side effects and costs experienced with standard chemotherapy treatments.

One pound of sodium bicarbonate costs only a few dollars at the supermarket. If you live in the States, you can get fifty pounds for fifty dollars of high-grade medicine that you can drink or put in your bathtub for the quickest, safest and certainly least expensive anticancer treatment available anywhere for any price.

For ten dollars or less one has a nothing-to-lose-everything-to-gain-cancer-treatment. Sodium bicarbonate is a world-class anti-fungicide but that is but one of the reasons why baking soda is such an effective, safe and rapid-acting anti-tumor agent. It is such a good and necessary cancer medicine that oncologists have secretly been using it for decades along with chemotherapy fooling themselves in the process because they think they are using it to protect their patients from the deadly chemo chemicals.

Emergency room and intensive care medicine would be severely handicapped if there was no sodium bicarbonate and already very dangerous chemotherapy would be even more deadly without bicarbonate used as a buffer when the chemical chemo poisons are pumped in. If you want to see how fast a person can hit the floor during chemotherapy just forget to mix in the bicarbonate and get out your stopwatch!

Sodium bicarbonate is used prior to, during and after application of chemotherapy. Since the very beginning sodium bicarbonate has been used with the premier chemotherapy agent made from mustard gas. Mechlorethamine also known as chlormethine, mustine, nitrogen mustard and HN2, and sold under the brand name of Mustargen, was the prototype anticancer chemotherapeutic drug. Use of mechlorethamine gave birth to the field of anticancer chemotherapy. Without baking soda orthodox oncology would never have been able to establish itself for all their patients would probably have died too quickly.

You will also be given fluids via IV and a drug called mesna with your cyclophosphamide to help prevent bladder irritation. Sodium bicarbonate will be given to you – usually as a drip – before and during your methotrexate treatment, to help protect your kidneys.

These chemo drugs are an analogue of mustard gas and were derived from chemical warfare research. Instructions for their use include: Dilute well with rapidly running IVF flush solution. After infusion is complete, give brisk bolus approx. 200 cc IVF to flush veins. The basic substances used in IVF flushes are sodium thiosulfate and sodium bicarbonate.

Special Note: On Monday, June 2, 2014, the Sodium Bicarbonate book in hard copy went on sale on Amazon and I invite all my readers to purchase a copy so we can push the book onto the bestseller list. The second edition of the Sodium Bicarbonate book Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment is also available now in a Spanish edition, in eBook form.

    創作者 老柳 的頭像

    印度老船長 癌症自然食療

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